Hi everybody, if somebody assist me please,,
I'm trying to setup both an Amiga 500 and CD32 systems..
I've setup 2 separate folders with Winuae inside each folder... one has been setup using mGalaxy.uae to be an Amiga 500
the other folder has an identical copy of winaue and uses Mgalaxy.uae in this folder to be a CD32
both work outside of mGalaxy, so i know the emulators both work..
when in Runway, i point each system to the winaue folders with the exe file....
the problem is....i'm picking up the mgalaxy.uae config for the wrong amiga system..
the A500 seems to pickup the CD32 config..
any help, much appreciated
A500 & CD32 Winuae
Actually, looking at Emulators.xml inside the 'Data/Definition' folder we can see this:
Depending of the system emulated, the configuration file name is not the same.
For the Amiga, the file shouid be named 'mGalaxy.uae'
For the Amiga CD32, the file name should be 'mGalaxy(CD32).uae'
For the Amiga CDTV, the file name should be 'mGalaxy(CDTV).uae'
So, I would advice you to create the configuration file for each system using the name that mGalaxy is waiting for!
Code: Select all
<Emulator name="WinUAE" hidden="false">
<System name="Commodore Amiga" option="" script="false" cmd="-config=mGalaxy.uae -0 "%path%slash%file%ext"" extensions="adf|adz|dms|fdi|gz|hdf|hdz|ipf|rdf|rdz|vhd|zip"/>
<System name="Commodore Amiga CD32" option="" script="false" cmd="-config=mGalaxy(CD32).uae -cdimage="%path%slash%file%ext"" extensions="cue|iso"/>
<System name="Commodore Amiga CDTV" option="" script="false" cmd="-config=mGalaxy(CDTV).uae -cdimage="%path%slash%file%ext"" extensions="cue|iso"/>
For the Amiga, the file shouid be named 'mGalaxy.uae'
For the Amiga CD32, the file name should be 'mGalaxy(CD32).uae'
For the Amiga CDTV, the file name should be 'mGalaxy(CDTV).uae'
So, I would advice you to create the configuration file for each system using the name that mGalaxy is waiting for!
Hello again...
thank you both for your reply's
i was selecting the correct path in runway to the exe's.. BUT my idea of separating the A500 and CD32 into their own emulator folders seems to be the problem...
the amiga500 exe path kept getting replaced with the details for the CD32 system....
i'm now using the same exe file for both A500 and CD32 from the same folder.. that's fixed that..
Thanks JMD for the info about needing a second mGalaxy(CD32).uae ... works great !!!
how did you know about needing the second (CD32) and third (CDTV) file? it's not mentioned in the emulator section of runway... ? is it in a helpfile I've not read ?
thanks again Aeliss & JMD.. happy new year to everybody...
thank you both for your reply's
i was selecting the correct path in runway to the exe's.. BUT my idea of separating the A500 and CD32 into their own emulator folders seems to be the problem...
the amiga500 exe path kept getting replaced with the details for the CD32 system....
i'm now using the same exe file for both A500 and CD32 from the same folder.. that's fixed that..
Thanks JMD for the info about needing a second mGalaxy(CD32).uae ... works great !!!
how did you know about needing the second (CD32) and third (CDTV) file? it's not mentioned in the emulator section of runway... ? is it in a helpfile I've not read ?
thanks again Aeliss & JMD.. happy new year to everybody...

To help you, I first wanted to check if I could get everything to work with a .bat file using the command line...and when I went to the mGalaxy definition file to see what the command line was, I saw that there were differences depending on the system emulatedGilly wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:05 pm how did you know about needing the second (CD32) and third (CDTV) file? it's not mentioned in the emulator section of runway... ? is it in a helpfile I've not read ?