Author Topic: NeoGeo CD  (Read 15220 times)


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2013, 07:26:11 AM »

I dunno, I just use it for the NeoGeo CD and I use the last Neoraine (before it merged with Raine), dunno if it change something.


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 06:00:54 AM »
Same here too much problems with nebula. Sound problem, command problem, rom problem, forced to use daemon tool ....

Code: [Select]
    <Name>NeoGeo CD</Name>
    <AppPath>F:\emulateur\neo geo\NEo Geo CD\raine\raine32.exe</AppPath>
    <RomPath>F:\emulateur\neo geo\NEo Geo CD\rom</RomPath>
    <SnapPath />
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="Neo Raine" value="-nogui &quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
    <Ext selected=".iso">
      <Suf value=".cue" />
      <Suf value=".iso" />
      <Suf value=".zip" />

But the extensions problems is really strange ? I can't modify ISO, perhaps a mistake in cue file ? Bad roms ? I have often a message for bad checksum even the game working on neo raine (but not sure it was for neo geo cd)

« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 06:04:08 AM by Aeliss »


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 02:00:11 PM »
I only use Neoraine. First I tested Nebula but as I said, it have some problems with Samurai Shodown RPG but I still posted the info, if some people prefer Nebula.

About the "AutoIt" script, it was to pass the "no-gui" argument to the emulator, but it might probably be done directly in the "systems.xml" file (I checked and the "ESC" key thing is useless if you use the "no-gui" argument as it directly quit with the "ESC" key by default), but if you now how to put it directly in the xml file, feel free to post it :)

Personally, it worked with the .cue but for this game, only .wav+.cue works, the game probably use something different in the iso (I tested "League Bowling" and it works fine with .bin+.cue).


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 11:30:49 AM »
I have some question, why you don't use only neoraine ? Nebula have an avantage ? If I remeber this emulator have problem with "raster effects" but IDK if it s still the case.

On my computer neoraine don't need autoit script scipt. It s because your special configuration, or I don't have same configuration than you ?

Effectively I have same problem than you with .cue file, I need to load with .iso but I still have sound, and generaly It s the problem when we don't load with .cue.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 11:34:02 AM by Aeliss »


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 06:25:34 AM »
Haa, a traduction ? You have capture my interest ^^, my japanese isn't perfect enought for theses game ^^.


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Re: NeoGeo CD
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 03:55:54 AM »
I found one game, one I really wanted to play, which wasn't very compatible with this emulator (Samurai Shodown RPG) so here's another emulator (last version of Neoraine), depending of people taste :)

Code: [Select]
    <Name>NeoGeo CD</Name>
    <AppPath />
    <RomPath />
    <SnapPath />
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="Neoraine (AutoIt)" value="&quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
    <Ext selected=".cue">
      <Suf value=".cue" />

and the "AutoIt" script :

Code: (AutoIt) [Select]
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

$path = "F:\Jeux PC [Downloads]\Emulation\NeoGeo CD\"
$app = "neoraine32.exe"

If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then
    $PID = Run( $path & $app & ' -nogui ' & $CmdLineRaw)
    While 1
exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
        ProcessClose ( $PID )
    Exit 0

(Just change the value of the $path and eventually $app variables at lines 2 & 3)

Isos have to be put in the root directory with this script (but that's not really a problem). I tried to run them from another directory (even without the script, directly with the emulator command-line but it produce an error).

I also noticed that the .bin/.cue format wasn't accepted for some games, dunno why. "League Bowling" works fine with .bin/.cue but "Samurai Shodown RPG" don't, it only work with .cue/.wav

It's probably the only really interesting game anyway, especially because it has been translated from japanese to french a while ago (
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 03:58:32 AM by davhuit »


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NeoGeo CD
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 06:50:26 AM »
Though most of the games also exist (without loading times) on the NeoGeo AES (cartridge version), some games (probably a dozen) are exclusives to this CD version, like, for example, "Samurai Shodown RPG".

The emulator used is "Nebula" (which also emulate some others systems, like CPS-1-2-3 and such, it's more or less like "Final burn Alpha").

To put in full screen, there is several ways but here's one that worked for me (the other one with the new gui didn't) :

Choose "use old gui" in the configuration menu, which will bring a neorage-like menu, and then, you are in full screen.

For the "ESC" key for exit and for the loading of isos, I used the same "AutoIt" script I used for the PC Engine CD :

Code: (AutoIt) [Select]
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
    $path = "F:\Jeux PC [Downloads]\Emulation\NeoGeo CD\"
    $app = "nebula.exe"

    If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then

    RunWait('"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount 0,"' & $CmdLine[1] & '"')
        $PID = Run( $path & $app & ' neocd', $path)
        While 1

    Func Terminate()
        While ProcessExists ( $PID )
            ProcessClose ( $PID )
        RunWait('"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount 0')
        Exit 0


If, like me, your "Deamon Tools Lite" configurated a "scsi" drive, use this version instead :

Code: (AutoIt) [Select]
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
    $path = "F:\Jeux PC [Downloads]\Emulation\NeoGeo CD\"
    $app = "nebula.exe"

    If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then

    RunWait('"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount scsi, 0,"' & $CmdLine[1] & '"')
        $PID = Run( $path & $app & ' neocd', $path)
        While 1

    Func Terminate()
        While ProcessExists ( $PID )
            ProcessClose ( $PID )
        RunWait('"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount scsi, 0')
        Exit 0


Here's the configuration for the "systems.xml" file :

Code: [Select]
    <Name>NeoGeo CD</Name>
    <AppPath />
    <RomPath />
    <SnapPath />
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="Nebula (AutoIt)" value="&quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
    <Ext selected=".cue">
      <Suf value=".cue" />
      <Suf value=".bin" />
      <Suf value=".iso" />

Change $path, $app and "Deamons Tools Lite" link according to your configuration, is required.

I didn't made an icon because I'm pretty bad at making them :D

I successfully tested the "NeoGeo CD" with that condiguration with a few games in "mGalaxy" :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 07:01:56 AM by davhuit »