Author Topic: Missings emulators.  (Read 32913 times)


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2013, 11:53:24 AM »
Personnaly, I never use relative path for lot of reasons
1 - All my emulator are portable, I can just copy a folder to play it everywhere on simple usb key.
2 - The path aren't the same on all my computers and only 1 computer can compile autoit script.
3 - Sometime, I modify path name, when I clean up my computer or if the emulator change its version.
4 - Friends can take my files and play them directly, without modifications or rebuilding autoit script. And, of course, they haven't my windows configurations files.
5 - When I make emulation tries, I create a copy folder to don't modify the working folder. I just need copy/rename and it s finished with a delete.

I absolutely agree with you!
I'm thinking of a new way to use AutoIt scripts with mGalaxy since a long prevent those problems and even go further for 'common' people!
(If you don't mind I'm going to contact you personally on this subject)


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2013, 11:37:51 AM »
I'll test tonight, when I'll be at home.


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2013, 11:28:00 AM »
If someone want to try :

Code: (AutoIt) [Select]
If $CmdLine[0] == 0 Then Exit

$path = "E:\mGalaxy Emulators\PS2\PCSX2 1.0.0\"
$app = "pcsx2-r5350.exe"

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
$PID = Run( $path & $app & ' ' & $CmdLineRaw , $path)

while _WinWaitActivePID($PID)

While 1
exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
  ProcessClose ( $PID )
    Exit 0
 Func _WinWaitActivePID($iPid)
    While 1
        Local $list = WinList()
        For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
            If $list[$i][0] <> "" And IsVisible($list[$i][1]) Then
                If WinGetProcess($list[$i][1]) = $iPid AND WinActive($list[$i][1]) Then Return $list[$i][0]

Func IsVisible($handle)
    If BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then
        Return 1
        Return 0


Work with

Code: [Select]
<Cmd id="0" name="ePSXe AutoIT" value="--fullscreen --nogui &quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
In fact no danger with this code.
Code: [Select]
while _WinWaitActivePID($PID)

This part just wait for the application is active and visible (it don't put it on top, no action on emulator windows). If you don't have the bug, no problem with it.

Personnaly, I never use relative path for lot of reasons
1 - All my emulator are portable, I can just copy a folder to play it everywhere on simple usb key.
2 - The path aren't the same on all my computers and only 1 computer can compile autoit script.
3 - Sometime, I modify path name, when I clean up my computer or if the emulator change its version.
4 - Friends can take my files and play them directly, without modifications or rebuilding autoit script. And, of course, they haven't my windows configurations files.
5 - When I make emulation tries, I create a copy folder to don't modify the working folder. I just need copy/rename and it s finished with a delete.

And it's for that I m dreaming of a mGalaxy portable version ^^.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 11:39:14 AM by Aeliss »


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2013, 09:17:13 AM »
I'm not really sure how to do that, but as it's Aeliss' script and as it seems pretty skilled about that, I think he'll be able to modify the script when he'll see this message.

About the emu, if you don't use this script, sometimes, the emulator load the game in background, you hear the music but you're stuck in mGalaxy window.

I'm actually using that script since a few days, and with it, it worked each time I used the PS2 emulator so far.

Be assured that if I spot a problem, I'll post in the forum as soon as I can  ;D
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 09:19:12 AM by davhuit »


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2013, 08:41:01 AM »
Before I post this script would you please adapt it to contain path & app info?

$path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2\"
$app = "pcsx2-r5350.exe"

In the actual state, this script would have to be placed in the same folder than the application...which is not the case for everyone.
I prefer, for everyone's use, to have a script contains those data.
Then please check that everything's going right cause I won't have time to test it myself...and I want all information posted here to be effective!!

Thanks for your contribution :-)


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2013, 07:33:10 AM »
I tested the 4.2 beta to see if PS2 was already included in it (which it is, so I took the icon from it) and so thought you might put the updated version of the "AutoIt script" :

Code: (AutoIt) [Select]
If NOT $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then Exit

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
$PID = Run ( "pcsx2-r5350.exe " & $CmdLineRaw )

while _WinWaitActivePID($PID)

While 1
exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
  ProcessClose ( $PID )
    Exit 0
 Func _WinWaitActivePID($iPid)
    While 1
        Local $list = WinList()
        For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
            If $list[$i][0] <> "" And IsVisible($list[$i][1]) Then
                If WinGetProcess($list[$i][1]) = $iPid AND WinActive($list[$i][1]) Then Return $list[$i][0]

Func IsVisible($handle)
    If BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then
        Return 1
        Return 0


in this thread :

It is required to force the emulator to not run in background.

The full screen can be configurated directly in the emulator menu :

In "Config => Video (GS) => Core GS Settings => GS Window", check the box "Default to fullscreen mode on open" (you might also want to check "Always hide mouse cursor" if it's not already checked).

After that, it works flawlessly :)


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2013, 05:18:55 AM »

I just tested the script (didn't sure if it was to fix that problem or not) and it's working fine, thanks :)


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 05:06:58 AM »
Yeah ^^.

I have same problem (win seven), it s for that I m using this autoit script

Code: [Select]
If NOT $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then Exit

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

$PID = Run ( "pcsx2-r5350.exe " & $CmdLineRaw )

while _WinWaitActivePID($PID)

While 1
exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
  ProcessClose ( $PID )
    Exit 0
 Func _WinWaitActivePID($iPid)
    While 1
        Local $list = WinList()
        For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
            If $list[$i][0] <> "" And IsVisible($list[$i][1]) Then
                If WinGetProcess($list[$i][1]) = $iPid AND WinActive($list[$i][1]) Then Return $list[$i][0]

Func IsVisible($handle)
    If BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then
        Return 1
        Return 0


To force the emulator to be on top, but last time I have make the try, no problem, It s a randow problem. The xml modification is at first post.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 05:10:40 AM by Aeliss »


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2013, 11:56:12 PM »
About Pcsx2, if the script was because of the Console log, you can desactive it in the gui (Others).

The fullscreen option can also be configured by default directly in the emulator (or with the --fullscreen argument).

The problem with Pcsx2 is that the emulator seems to be loaded in background when you use it with mGalaxy" (though it works fine if you use the command line : pcsx2-r5350.exe --nogui -fullscreen game.iso). You can hear the music of the game, but you don't see the game window.

Does it also happen on your PC or it is just me? (In that case, it might be a WinXP problem).

As I saw there is an AutoIt script in the "download" category, I assume the emulator has already been tested but I might be wrong, as it's not in the xml file?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2013, 12:11:12 AM by davhuit »


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 01:11:07 PM »
I have just find this one for the nec PC-FX system.

Nothing more to say, screenshoots, emulators, descriptions here >

Not tried yet, because all games are in japanese ^^.


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 11:03:46 AM »
Nope, it s the same. But I think some CD can't be ripped as iso format.

And CUE/BIN system can be edited if you don't burn it, you can convert audio track in MP3 instead of WAV (and modify the cue file), so the rom will take less size.

And take care some iso aren't real iso.
All my game in Sega MegaCD are like this cue.

Code: [Select]
FILE "Sonic The Hedgehog.iso" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
      INDEX 01 00:00:00
      POSTGAP 00:02:00
FILE "Sonic The Hedgehog 02.mp3" MP3
    PREGAP 00:02:00
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Sonic The Hedgehog 03.mp3" MP3
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Sonic The Hedgehog 04.mp3" MP3
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Sonic The Hedgehog 05.mp3" MP3

So if you load by the ISO, the game will work but without music. Same if you rename only 1 file or if the CUE is bad (some path in cue are bad)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 11:19:48 AM by Aeliss »


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Re: Missings emulators.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2013, 04:47:45 AM »
Thanks Aeliss, 3DO is nice too, i think i will add it to my Cab  8)
Some games are interesting ...

PS2 i think, is to big, the isos need much memory, and there is no "must have game" for me,
atm - maybe next time i find a perfect PS2-only arcade game for cab

3(4)DO, this need a Bios File, get it here:
Games here:

I think, i dont need snap packs, so i take only a few games, and get the pictures from net.

One Question: is there a difference to load a CUE or ISO ?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 05:02:08 AM by Stefan »
Greetings from Austria


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Missings emulators.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 02:54:50 PM »
Tell me if you have settings problems on the emulator because I don't remember if they are hard to find  :-\


Emulator 4DO

Special Setting : Nothing.

Code: [Select]
    <Name>Panasonic 3do</Name>
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="4do" value="--StartFullScreen -StartLoadFile &quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
    <Ext selected="0">
      <Suf id="0" value=".cue" />

3do have some laserdisk game, but take care, on this emulator loading with laserdisk can take 10 15 mn, so a black screen during 10 mn is normal.


Emulator PCSX2

Special Setting : (I don't remeber why I use this script, "Stay On top" mode problem I think)

Code: [Select]
If NOT $CmdLine[0] = 1 Then Exit

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

$PID = Run ( "pcsx2-r5350.exe " & $CmdLineRaw )

while _WinWaitActivePID($PID)

While 1
exit 0

Func Terminate()
    While ProcessExists ( $PID )
  ProcessClose ( $PID )
    Exit 0
 Func _WinWaitActivePID($iPid)
    While 1
        Local $list = WinList()
        For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
            If $list[$i][0] <> "" And IsVisible($list[$i][1]) Then
                If WinGetProcess($list[$i][1]) = $iPid AND WinActive($list[$i][1]) Then Return $list[$i][0]

Func IsVisible($handle)
    If BitAND(WinGetState($handle), 2) Then
        Return 1
        Return 0


Code: [Select]
    <Name>Sony PS2</Name>
    <VidPath />
    <Emu selected="0">
      <Cmd id="0" name="ePSXe" value="--fullscreen --nogui &quot;%path\%file%ext&quot;" />
    <Ext selected="2">
      <Suf id="0" value=".bin" />
      <Suf id="1" value=".img" />
      <Suf id="2" value=".iso" />
      <Suf id="3" value=".cue" />

To come : Demul ^^ , at least a beta version this week.

I can too upload completes snaps packs (eg 1400 files for Snes) but I m not sure It s usefull because all users don't use same rom name.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 03:07:30 PM by Aeliss »