Author Topic: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs  (Read 8442 times)


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2013, 09:39:53 PM »
I can confirm that all of those bugs are fixed for me!  Thanks mGalaxy.


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2013, 02:04:54 PM »
Thanks!  I'll upgrade and play around with the new version.

I tried to send you a message on how you'd like to see text edits/translations, but I don't know if I sent it correctly.  Would you like edits on typos and translations, and if so, how?  (email?  posts on this board?  private messages from this board?


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 05:00:08 AM »
You can download and install again...this bug (and a couple things) is now corrected!

Alan Ford

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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2013, 05:13:34 AM »
Hello guys, haven't been on the forum for a while now. I'm currently away (big time) from my "playing"  computer but I'm soon gonna be back and I'm eager to test the new version of mGalaxy. I'll try to reproduce the bugs spotted by Tex but on Windows 7 machine. If I spot something, I'll report it here. I'm glad mGalaxy reached 4.0 stable. Keep on going! :)


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 09:53:58 PM »

    If you open up mGalaxy_Runway.exe, select the key mapping tab, select the "call the onscreen keyboard" key mapping (which is set to "space") and press the space key (attempting to replace "space" with "space", the application crashes.

I can't reproduce this neither on XP SP2, nor Win 7 and Win 8!!

It only happens under specific circumstances.  Try the following steps to reproduce:
  • within Runway, go the key mapping tab
  • click in the User Keys column for the "call the onscreen keyboard" Row
  • confirm that the cursor is in the element currently labeled "Space"
  • if element is not currently "Space", replace it with Space by hitting space key
  • highlight the entire word "Space" by double clicking or by drag-selecting with mouse
  • ensure the word "Space" is highlit
  • press the space key

It does not happen if you don't highlight the existing Space value and instead just click the cursor in the box and press the space key.  I've played with it and found that any element there does this.  If you highlight a "Space" value and try to replace it with space, it crashes.

A separate thing I'm confused on is how to use the two-key combinations.  I do not see a way to replace a function (like Emulator change/Quit mGalaxy) with a combination of two buttons pressed at once.  (For example I'd like to map it to keyboard 3 AND keyboard 4 pressed TOGETHER, or even 1 and 2 (which was previously the default?).)


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 10:54:48 AM »
If you open up mGalaxy_Runway.exe, select the key mapping tab, select the "call the onscreen keyboard" key mapping (which is set to "space") and press the space key (attempting to replace "space" with "space", the application crashes.
I can't reproduce this neither on XP SP2, nor Win 7 and Win 8!!

Bug:  using mGalaxy Runway to remap navigation keys (Browse 1 up, Browse 1 down, Page up, Page down) does not seem to remap controls within other menus (such as the keyboard entry, or the configuration settings).  The main menu successfully used the remapped keys (which allows my joystick to select games on the main screen), but the default arrow keys still work on the other popup menus like the keyboard entry menu.  (This is on WinXP SP3).
You're right! Thanks for reporting this!
That said, this "bug" might be there from more than 1 year...and nobody never noticed it (that makes me things that there isn't a lot of people remapping the arrow keys ;-)
I'll work on this as soon as I get some time!!

Install Confusion:  When I install the new mGalaxy, it creates a directory with the executable, but does not add program shortcuts anywhere.  Took me a few minutes to figure out that it had successfully installed and remember where I had directed it to put the program.  Perhaps installation could finish with a message box saying "Successfully installed mGalaxy!  Remember to run the runway application next to set you configuration from %path%directory." and offer to open up the folder with the install?
Yes, that's right..I'll work on this too!!

Is "Available ROMS Only" a default selection?  I could not figure out how to get rid of the 20,000 game list from Mame until I clicked on this, and then it happily showed me the 41 ROMs I had installed.  If this is default, does it needs to be run the first time the program starts?  If it's not default, I'd have preferred that it was.
No, "Show Available Roms Only" is 'OFF' by default...but onece changed, the setting will be kept 'in memory' from one session to another

Clarification:  "Erase Mame roms database" is a confusing button because it does not indicate that it did something when you push it.  Perhaps you could make it report "Database erased." or "MAME database will restart with next MAME load." or something.  You could also change the capitalization of that button to "Erase MAME ROMs database".
You're right once again ;-)
A text will be displayed near of the button, once clicked!

English Grammar Nit:  Message "Useful when upgrading to a new MAME version.  To force MAME to rebuilt a new database." could be changed to "This option forces MAME to rebuild its database of available game ROMs.  This is useful when upgrading to a new MAME version."
This is actually something that I'm looking for since..the beginning! Someone that would help me keep the site (and application) free from english language error!
Thanks for this "correction"...and you're welcome to submit each error that you might meet! ;-)


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Re: mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 10:41:16 PM »
Bug:  If you open up mGalaxy_Runway.exe, select the key mapping tab, select the "call the onscreen keyboard" key mapping (which is set to "space") and press the space key (attempting to replace "space" with "space", the application crashes.


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mGalaxy 4.0 bugs
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 04:21:09 PM »
I'm starting a new thread on the released 4.0 version (since the previous one I saw was for beta).  My apologies if you wanted to use that one instead.

Bug:  using mGalaxy Runway to remap navigation keys (Browse 1 up, Browse 1 down, Page up, Page down) does not seem to remap controls within other menus (such as the keyboard entry, or the configuration settings).  The main menu successfully used the remapped keys (which allows my joystick to select games on the main screen), but the default arrow keys still work on the other popup menus like the keyboard entry menu.  (This is on WinXP SP3).

Install Confusion:  When I install the new mGalaxy, it creates a directory with the executable, but does not add program shortcuts anywhere.  Took me a few minutes to figure out that it had successfully installed and remember where I had directed it to put the program.  Perhaps installation could finish with a message box saying "Successfully installed mGalaxy!  Remember to run the runway application next to set you configuration from %path%directory." and offer to open up the folder with the install?

Is "Available ROMS Only" a default selection?  I could not figure out how to get rid of the 20,000 game list from Mame until I clicked on this, and then it happily showed me the 41 ROMs I had installed.  If this is default, does it needs to be run the first time the program starts?  If it's not default, I'd have preferred that it was.

Clarification:  "Erase Mame roms database" is a confusing button because it does not indicate that it did something when you push it.  Perhaps you could make it report "Database erased." or "MAME database will restart with next MAME load." or something.  You could also change the capitalization of that button to "Erase MAME ROMs database".

English Grammar Nit:  Message "Useful when upgrading to a new MAME version.  To force MAME to rebuilt a new database." could be changed to "This option forces MAME to rebuild its database of available game ROMs.  This is useful when upgrading to a new MAME version."