Author Topic: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!  (Read 7002 times)


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Re: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2020, 01:48:26 PM »
I can see two ways of implementing it, please tell me the one you would prefer:

The "manual" way: the player enters his score
  • Can work with all platforms
  • We will need buttons to edit entries (type error, score entry error)
  • The player might cheat ;)

The "automatic" way: using 'hi2txt'
  • Nothing to do
  • Players can't cheat
  • Only works with Mame and all games are not supported

I would prefer the manual way. It's my understanding that MAME does not save high scores for every game. Even if it did, the con of not being supported in other game systems is huge.

I would say this implementation would also need a basic password function for editing or deleting an existing score. So friends/family can't accidentally (or purposely! :) ) erase your entry.

I see this as a casual thing so cheating wouldn't be much of an issue. If anyone wants to get competitive online, you'd at the very least, need to take a picture of the screen as proof anyway. :)

I'm envisioning something simplistic:

Game Selection (Arcade, NES, Pinball, etc..)

Game Name (Donkey Kong or Game Logo Art)
Player Name 1 (John Smith or ABC) / Player 1 Score
Player Name 2 (Jane Smith or XYZ) / Player 2 Score

  • Scores would be numerical to support Trillions (as some pinball can easily get into billions)
  • Listing would be alphabetical and by Game Name as default for each system, however, filterable alphabetically by Player Name too, in case a player wants to see all of their scores.


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Re: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2020, 02:57:12 AM »
I can see two ways of implementing it, please tell me the one you would prefer:

The "manual" way: the player enters his score
  • Can work with all platforms
  • We will need buttons to edit entries (type error, score entry error)
  • The player might cheat ;)

The "automatic" way: using 'hi2txt'
  • Nothing to do
  • Players can't cheat
  • Only works with Mame and all games are not supported


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Re: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2020, 01:41:29 AM »
I'm bumping this because I still think this would be a fantastic addition to mGalaxy.

Currently I only know if "iScored" and "Pindigo". iScored being web-based and "Pindigo"....for some reason....only supporting pinball games.

I wouldn't mind Pindigo since it's an app, but it's pointless without arcade and other game support. iScored is ok, but who wants to keep exiting  to a browser?

I know I've never need or wanted to use the Last 10 feature in mGalaxy. A similar slide-in/slide-out high score viewing and entry screen would work great.

Entries can be alphabetical, changeable headers to select pinball, arcade, NES, etc. To start, it can be totally user-based entry, but supporting logo art instead of game names would be amazing, as well as the ability to import game names based on each system's database.


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Re: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2019, 01:22:14 PM »
Is there a third party application that allows to capture hi-scrores for all systems? This would help mGalaxy developers to  implement such a feature!


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Re: Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2019, 10:59:02 AM »
I would love to see this feature as well. My kids and I have monthly arcade game high score competitions and this would really assist seeing if your score was beat.


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Hi Score Menu WITHIN mGalaxy UNCONNECTED to MAME!!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2018, 02:12:46 AM »
Ok, so everyone wants hi score saves and for years now there's never been a perfect solution. Even the current solution doesn't work all the time.

While it may seem like a pain in the ass, why not write it down, take a pic w/ your phone, etc.. and then have a Hi-Score menu WITHIN mGalaxy itself. Bring it up like any other menu. Show the Logo artwork, current Hi-Score, click to see Top 5, 10, 20, or whatever. Click to type in a score and name. Basic stuff I'd imagine. :)

Maybe even show the current hi-score as you scroll through the menu of games. I know home arcade owners have little pieces of paper they put in the marquee to let friends or people over for a party to see the score to beat, because they reset their games from time to time.

I think this would be a great addition for personal bests, or for parties, families, etc.. as well.

Maybe even allow the menu to be brought up while in a game too?