Author Topic: motion in joy frontend control?  (Read 5431 times)


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motion in joy frontend control?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 10:04:50 AM »
hey all. Im currently using motion in joy with mgalaxy. I cant seem to navigate through mgalaxy with the standard ps2 profile in motioninjoy, only when I select the game does the controll when. I can only use the motioninjoy demo profile to navigate through mgalaxy with no problems, but when it comes to playing a game like street fighter hyper edition the timing of the keys or something just isnt right. And I mean the moves dont work properly. Where as if I set it to the ps2 profile game play is smooth.

One more question. How do I enable cheat within mgalaxy? Is that thru the mame end of things? Thanks guys and awesome frontend by the way...