Author Topic: newb: don't understand key mapping  (Read 5422 times)


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Re: newb: don't understand key mapping
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 03:51:23 AM »

I have a question related to this. mGalaxy does not seems to handle gamepads ?

 I built an arcade cabinet with a controller which report in windows as 2 gamepad. I know we can use some utilities to map gamepad inputs to keyboard inputs but it would be better to natively support gamepad to my opinion. Also I'm not sure how it will work for some emulator which handle both gamepad and keyboard keys ... (mame).


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Re: newb: don't understand key mapping
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2015, 06:02:28 AM »
As stated by Aeliss, mGalaxy was initially a MAME frontend.
At that time, the keys used to drive mGalaxy were borrowed from MAME.
Now, you still have the default key mapping using this MAME config...but you can easily customize it! use it exactly as you want, use arrows, enter, space, etc...

Mouse > No mouse support for now...but it will come one day (not a priority for now)!

Alt-F4> As the 'alt' key is liable to be used by the interface itself (in a MAME setting config), this 'Alt' key is simply reserved to mGalaxy (and windows can't use it)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 06:04:17 AM by mgalaxy »


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Re: newb: don't understand key mapping
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2015, 11:50:51 AM »
So first, I m not the dev of this application, so it 's just my opinion.

For me it's simple, this application is not optimised for computer but for cabinet or arcade dedicated machine.

You have only few button disponible on your cabinet or your joypad, so the same button have many action depending on actual working mode.

Why it's not standard windows mapping ? For the choice I think it's the basic Mame mapping by defaut, at the origin mGalaxy was optimised for it, now it suport more system, but I m sure 90/100 of the users who use this application have Mame on it. I think too some special cabinet interface (like the I-Pac) have the Mame mapping by defaut

No mouse gestion because few system use it, and the interface application is optimised for joypad, I don't see what you want to do with a mouse on it ?

Why alt+f4 doesn't exit and esc too, because you can use this shortcuts on some system, so it's not realy friendly to close mGalaxy just if you want to close a psx emulator.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 11:57:06 AM by Aeliss »


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newb: don't understand key mapping
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 01:51:38 PM »
So far it looks like a nice program but I'm having a hard time using it. 
Why are the key maps for the emulator the same as the key map for using mGalaxy?  What I'm understanding is that, for example, The 1 key is 1player start but it is also select in mGalaxy.  That does not make sense to me.  Why should the emulator keys have anything to do with already established standards of how a windows program should work?  I would expect Space or Enter to select, Esc to exit dialog, etc.
Also why can I not use a mouse?  Why does Alt-F4 not exit?