Author Topic: How to load an Ipac button configuration before and after emulator starts?  (Read 5627 times)


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Do you know autoit script ?

mGalaxy can search a script called mGalaxy_Script.exe and load it instead of the executable. So for an application that don't need script try something like that.

Code: (autoit) [Select]
Local $count = StringInStr($CmdLineRaw, ".exe", 0, 1, 1)
local $app = StringLeft ( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
local $command = StringTrimLeft( $CmdLineRaw, $count + 4 )
if not $command then exit 0
RunWait(@ComSpec & " /C " & "start.bat", "", @SW_HIDE)
Runwait ( '"' & $app & '" ' & $command )

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /C " & "End.bat", "", @SW_HIDE)
Exit 0

This code wait for application (in bat file) finish so IDK what is your bat file but perhaps "Run" will be better.


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Hi everyone.
I have a homemade cab with several emulators, and I have made batch files that run an IPAC button configuration before the emulator starts, and then a 'back to default' button configuration after I quit the emulator.
My question is:  How do I do the same thing in Mgalaxy?

Sorry if this is very obvious, but I have only just discovered Mgalaxy, and I very much like the simplistic look and feel of it.

I have never used frontends before really, just my shortcuts to my homemade batch files.

Cheers and thanks in advance if anyone can help.